Who did That to You

Meditation practice isn’t about trying to throw ourselves away or become something better. It’s about befriending who we are already-

One mistake we often make is misunderstanding how confidence affects us, some firmly believe confidence is something you either have or you don’t have. Confidence is a skill that develops when we nurture our bodies, discover self-awareness and practice, yes practice- Confidence.

When we talk about confidence, inevitably the topic of success creeps into the conversation. It’s nearly impossible to go out and have a huge success in life and instantly gain confidence. Finishing your first marathon does not mean you have more confidence, you had enough when you clicked “submit” after filling the registration form out (in your jammies), picked out your matching running outfit, stocked up on useless fuel gels and finally showing up at the Start Line.

We preach here: little “victories” every day in your preparations and work effort. When you leave work for the weekend, the gym this afternoon, the studio …  You should be able to say that you have just “won” by doing what you needed to do to achieve your long-term goal(s). Each small victory (as small as they may seem), one after another, accumulate. Moving us closer to the big victory’s in life, like making it through a 90 minute power yoga session, a 4 hour-long marathon and especially the first firm grip and foot placement at the beginning of a day long climb.

The Workout-

Our signature Happy Hips Warm Up followed by whatever you feel like doing today, enjoy.

CultFit Body


Confidence, did it magically fall in your lap this morning? Probably not. Take care this weekend and be well.

CultFit BB

I’m Glad You Stopped Over

Man’s main task in life is to give birth to himself-

The Quite Place   <— If you don’t do anything else during your short visit here today?  Take the time to click this link!!!

Allow us on this lovely and chilly Thursday morning to summarize what many of you are going to do over the next week:

YOU are going to put the very “things” you passionately adore and care about on hold.  With the intent being to fulfill your wishes next year … Hmm the Dreaded New Years Resolution madness is beginning to run a muck here in the blog-o-sphere!

Cultfit Look

Do feel like you can handle the truth this morning?

The problem with this logic is that more often than not (like every damn year you do this), tomorrow never comes, the “resolution” you set never comes to fruition and the flickering flame of hope extinguishes.  Most people set off soundly on the right foot thinking that they will eventually get to all the “things” they dreamed of doing.  However, once the New Year rings in and you shake off your cheap champagne hangover … It’s March and the Lambs are roaring in.  Many others,  if they actually do hold true to their New Year plan, either find themselves either physically hurt, worn down or dead by June.  Unable to do the very “things”  they wished upon all winter and dreamed of doing the rest of the year.  Sadly, many fall into a deep, depressive “mood” in which they feel as if they had wasted all the wonderful opportunities they had planned on, like going out for an early run this morning.  When you are full of Vitality, Passion, and Excitement.

*End of Part One*

The Plan-

CultFit Square

The Workout-

Dim the lights (or go outside at dawn), light a candle and find Grace in your Salute to the Sun.

CultFit Word

Hint:  Grace will not normally be found at the “Box” … Just saying peeps.


This is YOUR life, not the fake one you live online, not your 9:30 am Power Yoga instructor’s life … YOUR life.  Take control of Your destiny and ENJOY!!!

CultFit Mind

Dense Blues

One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don’t clean it up too quickly-

Like a freshly packed snowball hitting you up-side the head, Christmas is finally here.  Many blog-o-peeps would tell you that life is “grand” and “splendid” this time of year although out here in the “real” world … We struggle with stress, family and other worries that muddle our thoughts.

CultFit Nice

Seeking out solitude for a few peaceful minutes to think is a true blessing:  A warm cup of tea before the little ones awaken, running your favorite trail tonight and taking a long nap while watching ‘A Christmas Story’ for the fifth time.

A few peaceful and thoughtful minutes …

The Plan-

CultFit This

The Workout-

Hill Sprints … As a Warm Up followed by:

CultFit Christmas

1 Minute Perfect Handstand Hold

35 Perfect Push Ups

1 Minute Perfect Handstand Hold

30 Perfect Push Ups

1 Minute Perfect Handstand Hold

25 Perfect Push Ups

1 Minute Perfect Handstand Hold

20 Perfect Push Ups

1 Minute Perfect Handstand Hold

15 Perfect Push Ups


Our gift to you Dear Reader this Christmas?!?

Gratitude.  Our CultFit family has some of the most dedicated and passionate peeps around and we truly can not thank you enough for your continued support.  We sincerely wish all of you and your families a Merry Christmas!  Be well friends and ENJOY!!!


Never Be the Same

… In Buddhism, rebirth is part of the continuous process of change. In fact, we are not only reborn at the time of death, we are born and reborn at every moment-

There’s a fine line we tip-toe between being snarky, cheeky and flat-out being a gaggle of douche bags.  We decided this morning over a cup of Ginseng Tea to make a change <— Spoiler Alert!

Where would one start on the path of not being an Epic Douche?

Step one is to become aware of what and how we are thinking.  Training in the gym is easy, training ourselves to be aware every second of the day of how our mind is working.  The thoughts, The thinking patterns and our fundamental tendencies:  Takes Time and is infinitely Hard.

Make this a habit above all else.  When you set your workout/running playlist?  Record a note at the beginning reminding you to be aware.  A sticky note on the fridge or the dash in your car helps as well.

There is one little problem with awareness:  It brings about a heightened sensitivity to the world and the other douche bags that walk Mother Earth with us.  We become judgmental (just look at her ass in those Lululemon pants) and critical of ourselves (why do I always lack energy and motivation).  Say hello to the never-ending vicious cycle of negativity (think of this as you read your blog roll today …).  We need to Patiently (<— Key Word)  learn to accept what we see and understand.  Our new-found acceptance of the world leads to genuine love and positive thinking.

You can still be aware and an epic douche bag, look no further than Old Uncle Mo!

There are various techniques to help assist us in changing our attitude.  A slap up side the head or a little Yoga Nidra help immensely in shaping our mind and thoughts.

The Plan-

Picture 001

The Workout-

Trail Run/Bike and a few Hill Sprints to get the juices flowing.  Followed By:

Picture 002

10 Ring Dips or Regular Dips (It’s not the end of the world if you do not have rings)
20 Walking Lunges (Each Leg)
30 Seconds Jumping Rope (If you count reps … Douche?!?  Get into these for 30 seconds)

Ten rounds?  Sure, sounds spot on!!!


We often lose track that every thought generated in our mind is also experienced by every cell in our body.  Ever feel hot and sassy after a good run or workout, while on the bad days we feel stiff and lethargic?

Take care today and ENJOY!!!

CultFit Awesome

The Gift of Freedom

… The yoga of life needs a certain grasp of intricacies. It needs carefulness; needs levelheadedness. The yogi does not connect with anything, nor reject it. He lives essentially alone. –Mankuthimma

Today’s sign of the Apocalypse:  Subway Death Photos

** Read the story closely enough and you will find out that ALL OF US … Are part of the problem.  It’s a sad world we live in … **

Our lives are Precious, our lives are Short.  When you set forth on your journey today, don’t do “things” simply for the sake of doing them.  Be present and take a keen look around at what you are doing in the moment.  Only then move forward if you feel there is something meaningful to your action(s).  If you fail to find any usefulness in what you are currently doing?  Drop it and move onto the next “thing”.  If you do so early enough in the day (shower or coffee in the AM)?  You have the potential to avoid an enormous amount of unnecessary pain and suffering.  Dwell in Positivity by thoroughly enjoying the “things” you love!  Life is too short to spend it doing anything else.

If you don’t enjoy what you are doing, then don’t do it.  It’s as simple as developing the Courage, the Will Power to stop.

CultFit Thought

Why is so hard for us to spend our time and energy on the very “things” that bring fulfillment and happiness in our lives?

The Plan-

The Workout:

Work yourself into a thick broozle followed by:

10 Heavy Single Arm KB Swings (snappy)

10 KB Halo’s (each direction)

10 KB Hang Clean + Press (single arm)

10 Goblet Squat Bob + Weave (5 each side – eyes forward)

CultFit Beauty

Form, Flow and Grace 20-40 minutes.


Have we reached a stage in our society where running a 5k is easier than resisting the urge to Update your Facebook status?  Sadly, we think it is.  We could even make the argument that running a marathon is easier than sitting down to write an actual letter, you know … Pen and Paper!?!

We never like to start off the weekend on a somber note, today is different.  Pearl harbor remembrance day is today … A time to reflect.  Be well this weekend and ENJOY!!!

CultFit Chill