Tuesday 3 January 2012

Technology is a way of organizing the universe so that man doesn’t have to experience it-

According to our critically acclaimed research department here at CultFit HQ:  We are three days into January and already 98.4% of our dear albóndigas are over training.  Who Knows, maybe it’s part of a grand scheme of some sorts or another.

The pic below may be useful to you, a guide more or less.  For us it’s a placeholder and we are blaming it on our AADD.  Last year our posts were in essence all over the place covering a wide range of topics on any given day.

The Plan-

Some like to say “potato”, some like to say “potato”…Others like “Random” and we like to throw a wrench into the works and say “Variation”.  Our reasoning for doing this is actually quite simple. Research has shown that muscle groups adapt to a specific training stimulus in roughly three weeks and then plateau.  Basically- Everything works for about a month.  So understand this simple message today- You may be training for a marathon that takes place in July right at this very moment on the 3rd of January by running on a treadmill in a stale fitness center somewhere.  Why?

The Workout-

Ease into the day as best you know how followed by:

One Hour Swimming as best as you can

Notes:  A few readers asked about our annual year-end holiday blow out over the weekend.  Needless to say it was  a raging success and yes we have pics to prove it, ENJOY!!!

Here's the pic and yes it did happen!

One Comment on “Tuesday 3 January 2012”

  1. AlyssTG says:

    The pic says it all

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