
There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable-

BlahBlahBlah: We need to love ourselves before we can love anyone or anything else. Where have you read these words before 

As much as we want to control our own destiny, the humbling truth is that sometimes the only way to learn self-love is by being loved-precisely in the places where we feel most tender. When this happens, we feel freedom, we are granted permission to love in a deeper sense.

There is no amount of positive self-talk that can replicate this experience. Too many times I witness caring people using will power as an excuse to fight through a yoga class. Intimacy and love will not be found here

If our vulnerability is met with struggle or disinterest, feeling pressured into attending practice. Something brilliantly tender shrivels up and retracts within us, we often lament about ever sharing this part of ourselves again. When our authentic self fails to  “work” on a yoga mat (or whatever), we create a false self which lets us feel safe and accepted, although at a significant cost.

Every time we face the choice to share our deeper self, we stand at a precipice. Often, it’s just too scary to take the first step forward


How do we free ourselves from the thrall of shame thrown on us, the ever pressing need to succumb to societal norms? The fear of being our true selves?

I wish I could tell you, I sincerely do. I do know that for whatever reason, you are here reading this drab post, and this means everything to me. Be well this weekend and please take care!

CultFit Fall