
I can’t help wanting us
to be like other people.
For example, if I were a smoker,

you’d lift a match to the cigarette
just as I put it between my lips.
It’s never been like that

between us: none of that
easy chemistry, no quick, half automatic
flares. Everything between us

had to be learned.
Saturday finds me brooding
behind my book, all my fantasies

of seduction run up
against the rocks.
Tell me again

why you don’t like
sex in the afternoon?
No, don’t tell me–

I’ll never understand you
never understand us, America’s strangest
loving couple: they never

drink a bottle of wine together
and rarely look at each other.
Into each other’s eyes, I mean.

Deborah Garrison A Working Girl Can’t Win


How hard is it to put down the gadgets, pull your lover close, eye to eye, heart to heart, open a bottle of wine, chill?!?

CultFit Embrace

After Glow

Tothom pot intimidar, però no tothom aprèn a respectar-

All of us lead busy lives,  our responsibilities become greater each and everyday.  The only constant in our lives is change.

Many, if not all of our biggest missteps daily occur because our lives are out of balance.  Let us help you today to tip the scales away from stress and chaos, towards happiness and peace of mind.  One of the most powerful ways to do this is through open honest dialog amongst friends and nursery rhymes.  <— What?!?

el Pla-

l’entrenament de-

This may or may not be the hardest program you have ever participated in?!?  5k- Easy, X-Fit- Cake, Boot Camp- Whatever

Crocodile Breathing while learning/speaking (aloud) a simple nursery rhyme in Catalan, simple stuff right?

First we need a spiffy nursery rhyme:  The Rooster and the Hen

The rooster and the hen
Were on the balcony,
The hen was falling asleep
And the rooster gave her a kiss.
-Naughty, more than naughty!
What will people say?
-Let them say what they want,
For now I’m happy!

Now the translation in Catalan:

El gall i la gallina
Estaven al balcó,
La gallina s’adormia
I el gall li fa un petó.
-Dolent, més que dolent!
Què dirà la gent?
-Que diguin el que vulguin
Que jo ja estic content!

Either you can write the translation down or use your iPad thingy, your choice?  Find a comfy spot on the floor, tummy side down to work on our Crocodile Breathing (Google it if you are unfamiliar with this breathing technique).  Allow your controlled breath to take you away, a state of calm.  While you practice your nursery rhyme.  This is not a contest, sword fight, or struggle.  When you feel you can comfortably say the rhyme (aloud)?  Stand up and give it a go.  If you fail?  Back to the floor it is for you … It took Uncle Mo 3 tries and 40 minutes of practice.  The hardest 40 minutes of work he has done in quite some time.

Nota de-

Be well today and Gaudir!!!