For a Five-Year-Old

A snail is climbing up the window-sill
into your room, after a night of rain.
You call me in to see and I explain
that it would be unkind to leave it there:
it might crawl to the floor; we must take care
that no one squashes it. You understand,
and carry it outside, with careful hand,
to eat a daffodil.

I see, then, that a kind of faith prevails:
your gentleness is moulded still by words
from me, who have trapped mice and shot wild birds,
from me, who drowned your kittens, who betrayed
your closest relatives and who purveyed
the harshest kind of truth to many another,
But that is how things are: I am your mother,
And we are kind to snails.

Fleur Adcock

CultFit Spaces

Time to Pretend

It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and coast down them-

In some ways learning how to be happy daily is a lot like learning how to ride a bike; there is a learning curve, and you are going to crash.

There is infinite wisdom, innocence of a child learning how to ride a bike, if we can pay attention long enough (stop taking videos – updating status …) and watch?!? Kids have the keen ability to show us what the true ‘secret’ to happiness is.  By kindly placing our adult baggage aside, witness ‘happiness’ as the little ones roll on … Believe in yourself (everyday) and Practice (everyday). A child learning how to ride a bike doesn’t know and quite frankly doesn’t care that there are a plethora of different pathways to achieve happiness: kissing a loved one in the morning, holding hands, meditation, mindfulness, spiritual awakening, whatever. A child simply wants you to experience what they are feeling in this moment; “I believe I can do this bike riding thing, I’m smiling and I am true to myself.”


Believe in yourself this morning and Practice, everyday. Be well and have a great weekend.

CultFit Disco

Got Me Wrong

 Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony-

What did you love to do the most as a child?  Shove crayons up your nose?  Draw pretty pictures with said crayons?  Maybe you enjoyed playing a musical instrument or was it reenacting a great story you just finished reading?  For many of us, it was exploring the wonders of the world by simply being outside, like immersed in nature.  Poison ivy and all.  What if we shared a secret with you?  Only if you promise not to share it with anyone else … You can find greater energy and inspiration today by reconnecting with what you enjoyed the most as a child:  Sign up for an art class at a local college or community center, volunteer to give musical lessons to today’s generation.  Or, our favorite:  Leave your shoes at home and head out the door for an early morning walk before the world awakens around you.

CultFit Tree

The Workout-

Balance Beam Work, Dead Man Rolls, Inversion(s) and a very light and flowing Ashtanga Yoga Series = शांति


By reconnecting with our long-lost gifts we can reclaim our “sense” < — Hint from yesterday Our true passion in life.

What are some of your gifts (seriously peeps: let ’em fly and chime in) and how do you plan on utilizing them today?

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