Prelude in – Me – Minor

There will always be a down but also always an up, your moods depends on which of the two you pay the most attention to-

In ways both big and small, our pride will be trampled on (in one way or another) during the course of a day. I suppose its safe to say that it’s nearly impossible to live life without our pride suffering a perilous blow. The ebb and flow of life  Yet, when it happens to us? We tend to take it personally – very personally, and, often enough, we beat our selves up further. Even the tiniest set back can rile our emotions and send our self-esteem into a tailspin. In part, our self-esteem reflects who we are intrinsically (our true self), however, self-esteem is also a barometer of our standing with the world around us.

The difference between my normal response to a damaging blow of my pride (an oversensitive one at that) may be summed up in one word: rumination. I am an “over-thinker” who ruminates, nauseously, in a discursive way about everyday experiences after my pride takes a hit. Especially after I finish last during a weekend race!

As I marinate in my negative thoughts, hostility and anxiety begin to seep from my very essence, sabotaging myself more than ever before. Rather than working constructively to repair the damage, I build a case for why I let myself down – A pity party of epic proportions! Sound familiar?!?

Daily Meditation:

Surrender to the moment, to comfort, to serenity. The damage is done, time to move on – peacefully.

CultFit Serenity

Start Shootin’

I like giving gifts, but I like not spending money more

It seems lately that I have been tuning into my deeply held beliefs, more so than I normally do: Compassion, Kindness and most importantly – Temperance or lack there of at times.

These thoughtful moments of self-reflection seem right to me, they seem to help with finding my center once again

I would like to point something out though – Merely studying our virtues is not enough to become virtuous We could apply this same thought process to many aspects of our lives, couldn’t we?!?!

However, our minds and our lives tend to take the shape of what we think about throughout the day. What society and social media deem acceptable, what we are force feed to believe. Which when I pause to think about this, its pretty sad.

Daily Meditation:

We live in a society where virtue, intention and other “not cool to talk about” topics deserve more attention in our everyday lives than we tend to give them. Anyways

Long time readers may remember my dear friend Anne. Well, after a year’s worth of training with some dude in Nebraska (which is scary enough already) … Anne is back in Boston to finish what she started last year! If your guys wish to follow Anne this coming Patriots Day? Just follow the link below!

Anne’s Boston Marathon Bib #25231

CultFit Winding

A Lonely Quest

Do your work, then step back. The only path to serenity-

*I wrote this post during a brief stop, riding a century one scoring hot weekend last summer in Nebraska. I’m not sure why I didn’t publish it at the time, maybe I was on to something, or maybe not. It’s safe to say that I walk a path in this beautiful world differently than most, and this philosophy carries over into how I help folks to compete, not on the road – but rather in this thing called life*

I am fortunate and humbled by the amazing people I get to talk with each day. The most captivating, and certainly the most personal moments occur when we struggle to “spit it out“, to put into words the thoughts that lie at the very edge of our ability to put them forth as meaningful words, a dense conversation full of wonder and meaning. Each of us has experienced the feeling of straining, against the very limit(s) of putting our thoughts into words, or even these well intended thoughts into actions.

I’m here, with this tiny little blog-o-thing, to help you break through … Unfortunately, no one is listening. The Hedonic Treadmill keeps chugging along.

Opening people’s eyes to the real benefits of yoga and training athletes is more than just enhancing their ability in a tangible way (inflated numbers – fleeting results), but rather – developing deeper thinking, a curious mind and wondering too. This really bothers me, deeply. You know what? It flat-out pisses me off … If you can’t think what you can’t say? Don’t put your thoughts into action – with only half your heart.  I’m comfortable saying for the first time on this platform, that I am gently leading you on a journey for more words, deeper thought and wondering, exploring different ways to say, see and doing “things“.

Many of us are comfortably corralled within the limits of our power of thought, speech and outward actions. We don’t think anything we can’t say and we can’t say much. The truth of the matter, we don’t even come close to doing the things we can do, and we certainly don’t do much. More often than naught, a closed mind isn’t stubborn, just stunted in its ability to grow, in hibernation so to speak. I feel the same way in-regards to how we live in this byzantine world we called home now-a-days.

Daily Meditation:

To get by in the ultra competitive world we live in, all we need is a few things to think and say, a few things to do, and a few ways to stop our thoughts from running beyond what we’ve already thought.

I feel my work here is done, be well and do take care.

CultFit Luck

You’re the Light

One man practicing kindness in the wilderness is worth all the temples this world pulls-

Today, right now in this amazing moment, I feel that we have a greater need for serenity than during any other moment in our lives. Mind blowing technology and endless possibilities are literally at our fingers tips, affording each one of us the potential to become “somebody Whatever this may mean.

In essence, we constantly strive to be a perfect “somebody” The perfect friend on FaceTube – always the first to comment and liking your awesome status. The perfect running or workout buddy – consistently settling for just enough and not easing into the growth that discomfort can bring us, but yet we choose to go past discomfort into pain. How do you go about sharing with a friend during a spirited training ride: Chill. Ease your eyes from the road beneath you and smell the fresh spring air

The question I present to you this morning is this – Can the pursuit of trying to be somebody, be brought into alignment with trying to be present minded?

Daily Meditation:

Many of us are myopically trying to become somebody, robbing ourselves of inner peace and present-mindedness. Sometimes, stopping midway through a run, a yoga class – turning the radio off as you start the commute home – Is all you need to become “somebody“.

CultFit Light