Seva :Revisited:

Though a smile is little work, its effects are long lasting-

Generosity is no longer the selfless act I’ve long thought it to be  Generosity is a natural confidence builder and a natural repellent of self-hatred. Not only does generosity make us feel better about ourselves, but it actively combats feelings of competitiveness, isolation and despair. I have a hunch that many of you reading this morning are equally as competitive as I used to be, and when this “competitiveness” gets the better of you? Depression and self-doubt slowly creeps in.

Why do I keep racing? My split times suck and there is no way I can shave six seconds of my PR!

Do you honestly want to hear my solution to a problem that has gripped so many of us? Brace yourselves then Volunteer.

Volunteering is simply amazing! Needless to say I do receive quite a few blank stares when I share with someone: Volunteering your time will drastically improve your performance. Here’s how: Volunteering empowers you with a sense of value and purpose, while being in a social environment. Hmm, lets read that again  Volunteering empowers you with a sense of Value and Purpose, while being in a social environment – This sounds like a fun event to participate in!

There is not much value lamenting a poor performance, nor is there purpose to be found pushing through to the finish, of “whatever.

Daily Meditation:

By Cultivating generosity through volunteering, we allow ourselves the space and time needed to be more sensitive to ourselves, and to give ourselves more Value and Purpose. In addition, when we are in a giving state? We are naturally more relaxed, tuned into the beautiful world around us, and living in the present moment.

This state of being is contagious – Pay it forward.

The TL/DR version of this post: Improve your performance by volunteering.

CultFit Gratitude

8 Comments on “Seva :Revisited:”

  1. binvested says:

    Love this post. I am a member of a club that’s “soul” purpose is to provide volunteers for different community functions. It nourishes the heart. Thankyou for such a lovely message.

    • CultFit says:

      People think I’m nuts when I suggest volunteering to help them through a difficult time – mostly competitive folks who have hit the proverbial “wall” training.
      At the end of the day, helping others is an amazing experience. 🙂

  2. In the Stillness of Willow Hill says:

    Yes, volunteering multiplies our feelings of contentment…when done from the heart. Another side to this coin is that if we volunteer out of guilt or lack or competitiveness….it just reinforces the gap. I’ve done both….argh!

    • CultFit says:

      The single best piece of advice I received prior to heading off to basic military training: Don’t be first, don’t be last and don’t volunteer for anything …

  3. kimaedwards says:

    Volunteering is great and love it. Great blog post!

  4. Being an (*ahem*) vet I now love helping out in races as a pacer… seeing other women achieve what they want to is as rewarding as achieving your own goals and dreams 🙂

    • CultFit says:

      Before I had knee surgery, I stopped running competitively to help out more during local events. Pacing other folks, I found to be an amazing experience – I loved it! You already know this of course 😉
      My sincerest apologies for the late response, take care this week!

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