The : Resist : Stance

The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter-

Yup, Gotcha! Seriously I already know patience is totally valuable for dealing with the long lines this time of the year, soccer moms searching for the one true parking spot at the mall, or interacting with “disagreeable” folks ordering a coffee. Seriously! I’m keenly aware that true inner change takes time, and why am I becoming frustrated talking about impatience?!? Oh – Maybe it has something to do with not seeing the instant results we desire in life?

My lack of patience stems from a false sense of belief about myself. I think I should be able to handle everything in the world, myself. I think there is only one way to achieve my goals and when “things” don’t quite work out? I become increasing impatient.


I try so hard not to get discouraged when my progress is slow.


True change takes times.


I am gently walking my path to recovery from bad habits that have defined me for a better part of my life. I’ve come so far, there’s no way I can quit right now!

Daily Meditation:

If we foster and nurture patience, if we can wait for ourselves to arrive in this inspiring moment, anything can happen.

CultFit Patience